By now, some of you have seen or heard about the change of my store's name
from Renaissance to Greene Street and back to Renaissance at my Bryn Mawr location.
But what you may not know is that I have always been the owner of this location,
throughout these name changes since it was founded in 1990.
I have my parents, Jim and Diane, to thank for starting Renaissance back in May of 1990.
They truly enjoyed every moment with the customers and consignors and cherished being a part of
the Main Line Community, a community that they both grew up in.
Unfortunately, with in just five years of opening, both of my parents passed away.
I continued for a few more years alone, but eventually decided it was time to move forward.
Along with my sister, I opened multiple consignment stores, modeled from Renaissance,
named Greene Street throughout Philadelphia and suburban areas.
One very important location was my current location which is right next door to my original store.
21 years later, in late 2011, I took some time off to raise my son and my rescue pets
and to pursue my dream of opening a no-kill animal rescue shelter.
Thankfully, during this time, my sister's company continued to manage my Bryn Mawr location as a Greene Street.
On the 27th anniversary, May 5th, 2017, of the original Renaissance store,
I decided to separate corporately from Greene Street and claim back my roots with Renaissance.
I love Greene Street and my sister and am so thankful that she managed my location during that time,
but it was time to venture back out on my own.
My goal for Renaissance is to embrace this community that I'm so lucky to be a part of,
to be a place to enjoy casual and fun shopping experiences, a place where everyone knows your name and your fur-kids' names!
All of us at Renaissance hope to see you soon!
Best, Donna Mastrilli​